The Consequences of War comprises four figures depicting the agonies and fears of war, often unseen by those not physically affected.
Clay and oxides
Each figure between: 11/12 x 16/20 cm


Confusion – the absurdity of the human species. Quite often it seems we don’t know whether we are coming or going, what gender we are or should be, a deliberate or unknowing confusion about how we should behave, all of us passing by each other in our own worlds.
Mixed media
190 x 40 cm

Hanging Houses comprises 4 hanging 'pod' houses made from thin wire, thread and glue reflecting the fragility of life 'hang on, stay safe or jump'
Mixed media
Each pod approx: 50 x 17 cm

The Grid
1 x 1 metre
White clay, oxides, cotton, metal grid

Study of a girl

Sleeping woman

Refugee boy.